This is an impressum example. The English equivalent is the printer's imprint, but an imprint in th UK is compulsory only for books.
You might not have heard of impressums until you saw the option to enter one on a Facebook page that you manage. Other than in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Spain impressums are not required by law, but in those countries, a website not having one can be penalized.
This is kind of a catch-22 situation, since persons and businesses that have an impressum in place can be disserviced by the disclosure of personal information that impressums reveal. Like for instance, to receive a cease and desist order because your website has something that infringes copyright law.
Impressums/imprints are controversial since, in the countries that they are required by law, you must enter an address. This opens you to threats, not just of the doxing variety, but also threats of stalking, or worse.
The Most Important Fact about Impressums
The most important thing you need to know about impressums is this: if you are not in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Spain (or any other similar country run by control-freaks which forces you to have an impressum by law) you don't need one. Not at all. At east not for social media profiles, pages or for your websites.
That said, the impressum feature of Facebook pages may be an asset instead of a liability. Especially if your business or service doesn't operate in one of the countries mentioned in the previous paragraph.
It can be an asset since it is a place to post the most basic facts about your business, and only those facts. There may be potential customers and clients looking for that information and they may know that simply loading the impressum they will be able to have it. Also, you can direct anyone to the impressum to give them the information in it because they requested or because they need to know it.
English-speaking World Equivalents
It doesn't have one. The only thing like an impressum for websites in English is a legal page that can be called:
Site Notice
Legal Notice
Legal information
Legal Discolsure
A page on a website going by any of those names can be linked to the more commonly seen Terms of Use legal page.
About This Impressum Example
The impressum example below is the most standard type of impressum you can creat. You may get creative with it, if you are doing it just because you want to have one, and not because you are forced by law to do it.
Some sections common to impressums, that are missing on this example:
List of Board Members
List of Staff
Detailed Copyright Notice
Patents Information
Statement of Ownership
Licensing Information
General Information
Abridged ToS
Impressum Example
Since June 23, 2017 +54-911-36090719
wensley@[ Edited Out ]
Excellent content that satisfies my clients and keeps them coming back for more
Copywriting services on a broad catalog of formats and niches
Hassle-free contracting process
Mon-Fri 8-16 GMT -3
[ Edited Out ]
Phone: [ Edited Out ]
Fax: [ Edited Out ]
Emai: [ Edited Out ]
Electronic Contact: click here
Photo Credits
Bobo Boom
Mike Lawrence
Ryan Lowery
Javier Candeira
Wes Schaeffer
Fred Romero
Re Publica
Josh McGinn
David Reber
Jacobo Hoyos
Transmedia Storyteller Ltf
Mellisa Lewinton
Vapecraft Inc
Jim Hedd
Ecig click
Vaping 360
Lindsay Fox
Kathleen Conklin
Les Haines
Marten Venelin
Nevil Zaveri
Georgie Paulwells
Salva Barbera
Surian Soosay
Alexandre P. Junior
Side Wages
Josh Sorenson
Rosenfeld Media
Antone Shores
Sebastiaan ter Burg
TopRank Marketing
Luke Rosenberg
Personal Creations
Marcin Wichary
Marco Verch Professional Photographer
David Regev
Mark Smiciklas
Sean MacEntee
Erkan Boga
Siddartha Totha
Glen Scott
Chris Wheal
Rick B
Josh MacDonald
Paula Piccard
Gustavo da Cunha Pimenta
steave shawn
anand kerai
Missy Ward
steave shawn
Danard Vincente
Gustavo da Cunha Pimenta
Jay Orban
Julyo Saenz
Many more...
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Impressum Example Disclaimer
The information provided in this impressum example is for informational purposes only, and doesn't consitute legal advice or create a client-lawyer relationship.
© Martin Wensley, 2020-2022 — Impressum Example